Two antibiotics you should know about


-This common antibiotic is used to treat inflammation of the intestine (colitis). 

How does it work?
-inhibition of peptidoglycan synthesis 
The Bactericidal action of vancomycin results primarily from inhibition of cell wall biosynthesis. Vancomycin prevents the incorporation of N-acetylmuramice (NAM) and N-acteylgucosamire (NAG) peptide subunits from being incorporated into the peptidoglycan matrix, which forms the major structural component of gram-positive cell walls. In addition vancomycin alters bacterial cell-membrane permeability and RNA synthesis.

An antibiotic used to treat certain infections caused by bacteria, such as bronchitis, diphtheria, legionnaines diease, pneumonia, theumatic fever, renereal disease and ear, lung, intestine, urinary tract and skin infections. 

How does Erythromycin work?
-This inhibits the ribosome function
-Erythromycin works by penetrating the bacterial cell membrane and reversibly binding to the 50s subunit of bacterial ribosomes or near the donor site so that binding of +RNA to the donor site is blocked. Translocation of peptides from the “A” or acceptor site to the “p” or donor site is prevented and subsequent protein synthesis is inhibited. Erythromycin is effective only against actively divide organisms.