Find out the bacterias involved

Why is this important?
-Many antibiotics are becoming more and more ineffective due to antibiotic resistance bacteria. For example the bacteria vancomycin-resistant enterocci (VRE) which is a type of bacteria called enterococci has developed a resistance to many antibiotics especially towards Vancomycin. These bacteria live in our skin are our intestines, usually without causing problems but becoming resistant to antibiotics can cause serious infections, especially in people who are ill and weak. These infection can occur anywhere in the body but most commonly in the intestines and urinary tract.

VRE infections are more difficult to treat than other infections with enterococci because fewer antibiotics can kill the bacteria. Experts are not sure why some people are more infected by VRE than others. They do know that VRE infections are more likely developed when antibiotics such as vancomycin are used often. therefore each time you take antibiotics when you don't need them, then they may not work when you do need them. Each time taking antibiotics you are more likely to have some bacteria that the medicine didn't kill, therefore these bacteria mutate and the antibiotic used to kill them will not work. 

Streptococcus pyogenes (group A streptococcus) aka GAS. 
-This is another bacteria that has become resistant to many antibiotics, Erythromycin is one of them. there have been cases of the resistance towards Erythromycin across the world. It has been reported in Australia - 17%, Finland - 20%, The United Kingdom -22.8% and Japan 60% 

How do these bacteria normally affect our body?
-GAS is the bacteria that regularly causes infection of the throat and skin. 
Infections include:
  • impetigo
  • cellulitis
  • erysipelas
  • strep throat
  • bacteremia 
  • septic arthritis 
  • meningitis 
  • pneumonia
  • rheumatic fever 
Eenterococcus is  the bacteria that is becoming more resistant to Vancomycin, this bacteria normally causes infections such as:
  • urinary tract infections 
  • bacteremia 
  • bacterial endocarditis 
  • meningitis 
These bacteria can cause serious life threatening infections and a bigger concern is not having an antibiotic to fight against these bacteria due to antibiotic resistance 

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